What is Liturgy?

The Divine Liturgy is the main service of the Orthodox Church. It is a worship experience full of singing, prayer, scripture readings, and an encounter with God. It can feel foreign if you have never been to a service like this. Listen to the words, notice how many psalms and bible verses you hear, look at the icons, smell the incense. As you discover Orthodoxy, experience it. There is plenty to understand and lots of time to learn it. 


In Orthodoxy, we believe the Liturgy strengthens us so we can then go out and love each other sacrificially. After the Divine Liturgy everyone is invited downstairs for coffee and fellowship. We encourage you to join to understand more of the whole life approach of Orthodox Christianity. When the weather is nice, bring your food outside, and let the kids run in our beautiful green lawn.


Iā€™m not Orthodox

Many of our current members were not Orthodox their first time visiting. You are welcome here. Your questions are welcome. Your doubts are welcome. Your desire to learn is welcome. It can feel strange to walk into the service and not be greeted. Please do not take offense. We spend the Divine Liturgy focusing on God and the fellowship after welcoming and getting to know each other. Follow along with the service texts, ask questions, and experience the timeless beauty of our worship. 

Holy Communion

Holy Communion is the central act of being an Orthodox Christian. Orthodox Christians take time to obey their spiritual father in preparing to receive Holy Communion. Part of this preparation is being baptized or Chrismated into the Orthodox Christian Church and being in good standing. Guests are welcome to receive a special blessing at the end of liturgy but please do not approach Holy Communion. If you have further questions, we will happily discuss after the service.