Holy Trinity is the oldest Greek Orthodox church west of the Mississippi with a vision set squarely on the future. Founded in 1904 by Greek immigrants, today the Parish continues to honor its Hellenic roots while embracing persons of all ethnic and cultural backgrounds. Both lifelong Orthodox Christians and persons who have chosen to join the Church comprise the congregation.
Holy Trinity’s worship is traditional, warm, and inclusive. Holy Trinity’s growing and dynamic fellowship groups for all ages teach the Faith and foster relationships by encouraging participants to engage in group discussions. Our charitable Making an Impact groups provide parishioners and non-parishioner with opportunities to demonstrate their love for humanity. A well-organized Sunday School and personal adult catechesis provide substantive religious education. The Choir and Chanters are not merely ensembles, but humble and joy-filled gatherings of family members.
Holy Trinity is a gathering point for single young adults, family friendly, and a spiritual home providing respite and shelter to persons struggling with the pains and doubts resulting from life in an imperfect world.
“To live our faith, grow our Church, and serve the world as Orthodox Christians”
By following our mission, Holy Trinity aspires to become the paradigm for what a historically ethnic Orthodox church looks like in the 21st century. Our faithful shape this vision through their piety, creativity, and hard work.
Holy Trinity is led by a presbyter (priest) who is accountable to the Metropolitan (Archbishop) of San Francisco. Decisions at Holy Trinity are reached through prayerful deliberation that invites everyone’s honest input. We encourage forthright communication, avoid gossip, and recognize that factionalism has no place in the Church.
Meet the Priests
Fr. Aris, Head Priest
Father Aris has served Holy Trinity since June 2008. He has authored a variety of curricula, ranging from camp programs to small group discussion guides, as well as many widely read articles about parish life and the state of the Church in America. In recent years he has devoted himself to the study of church growth and renewal. Father is a student of languages and a life-long guitarist. He and Presvytera Valerie are blessed with two sons, two perfect daughters-in-law, and four beautiful grandchildren.
You can reach Father Aris via email at: fr.aris@yahoo.com
Fr. Nicholas, Assistant
Father Nicholas has served Holy Trinity since June 2021. He specializes in working with Holy Trinity’s families through our many life-changing ministries. In addition to parish ministry he also works on the translation of the lives of contemporary saints into English as well as serving as the spiritual advisor to the Metropolis Music ministry. He and Presvytera Anysia are blessed with four children.
You can reach Father Nicholas via email at: